Wednesday, March 4, 2020

3/4/20 Climbing To The Edge Of A Cliff

As unlikely as it may look, the following propagation of ES would serve to compel the VXX to align at a deeper retrace level more in line with expectations regarding a pullback of VXX that would then set up a sling shot move much higher for VXX. We will have to see if there is any merit to this going forward. 

There has not been a top flag signal yet since 2/20/20 and another one is expected before any more long-term developments previously laid out can be primed. Again- it does 'seem' unlikely but wherever the top flag shows it's head will be where the structure prints, whatever the level at that time. The last 'hard' signal was the 'bounce/bottom' on (2/28/20) at (ES) 2852.25 . That does not preclude that another one could still print lower down (or higher up). (The alternative is that the retrace is done and dusted and continues to print lower from somewhere near here or there is some other as yet unknown structure developing). Here it is below the general info and obligatory note:

See Critical Long-Term Review Here

The bots will flag here when they see a top. (1/25/202/20/20)
..and possible bounces/bottoms: (2/28/20)
Our favorite go to site- McVerry Report
This information is for entertainment purposes only. Financial loss can occur from investing

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