Monday, December 20, 2021

Time Is Most Likely Extending

The next outside wave time points need to be considered as viable targets 1/22/22 - 1/29/22. Note that the inside wave on this frequency map has called out the SP-500 high so far to date and the next interpolation date is shown as an outside wave target. At any point before then, a turn signal in either direction may set prices moving out of range.

From 12/15/21 post- [looks like the thought here is applying, and then some]

"10:50am EST: Treading water- closing values will hopefully give a better clue. Negativity from recent down market action may need to burn off using time so could stretch out to a couple of weeks even if that seems like quite the delay, the next wave length [span-time] data point could push it out that far."

Commentary: -The very next best thing is for the market to continuously cry "Wolf" on a weekly time basis without actually going into a major decline- the consensus then becomes 'consolidation' or 'bull flag' - whichever. If a turn signal [market up] prints- off and running higher, otherwise could be trouble. With breadth still in the gloomy depths and UPRO still not breaking low enough [less than 50% compared to SVXY]. Could be looking to a bigger decline- even a terminal top if this keeps up. Looks like today so far- no concerns in the blog-sphere generally speaking so the effect mentioned seems to be working it's magic - keep rocking the boat but short of capsizing while the smart survivors gather their precious items and don their life-jackets in preparation.

The bots will flag here when they see a top. (1/25/202/20/20)
This Information Is For Entertainment Purposes Only. Financial Loss Can Occur From Investing.

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