Friday, May 28, 2021

I Got Bit By Bitcoin

Time to say something about "'s" adopted son- Bitcoin because that is what it actually is. Like the previous boom/bust, the family resemblance has been fully acquired. Let's be real- it cannot exist without: a) huge energy-consuming computing power b) internet connectivity c) pure hope from investors. It has no presence or practical persistence away from these. Quite possibly it will lead to something more sustainable in the future but right now, it is an excited teenager with hormonal surges. Oh and it is a hijacker/kidnapper/villain's dream target wallet! Better than gold or cash (untraceable).

Speculative frenzies are not all bad as they can often lead to some improved thing later on. as in the '' boom. We now have wonderful interconnectivity structures and services as a result. An engine for change perhaps. A lot of talk currently sounds like it has already 'arrived' so logic requires sensible analysis by the 'experts' who are also generally in the 'crypto' business somewhere. Most of us are not going to be able to read those particular tea leaves so honestly- better to leave it alone and sleep nights. What good is it to gain the whole world but lay awake nights? etc. If anyone who bought into tulip bulbs was still around, they would definitely recognize this (except for the magical computer abacus). 17th century tulip mania.

See Critical Long-Term
 UPDATED 4/12/2021 Review Here
The bots will flag here when they see a top. (1/25/202/20/204/9/20)
This Information Is For Entertainment Purposes Only. Financial Loss Can Occur From Investing.
Our favorite go to site- McVerry Report

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