Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/28/20 One Market / Events in the Cycle

MarketWatch has a really good article that discusses what is driving the market at this moment. We agree with their comments in the main but would like to expand on that. There is a tendency to attach current news events as a main culprit and instigator of market direction. We have observed through the years that it is more accurate to state that these things occur more or less concurrently. The market was already on a course prior to any event. The tipping point has much to do with the mathematics of the market machinery. It 'requires' a correction (large, medium, small) like putting your foot on the brakes when you see danger on the road ahead or when the vehicle starts to get out of control. Everything seems to move as one.

There are great studies done by many clever individuals on cycles in nature, weather, economies, politics etc. In particular Martin Armstrong has done brilliant work in these areas that is undeniable. No one is infallible so we also go with observation. We will use the information to try and keep a perspective on our trading strategy and not look to news events as being anything other than punctuations in the paragraph of the story but certainly not the story. Stay focused on the proven technicals as that is all that we really have that is anything close to being solid.

Our bots will flag a "V" when they see a top. (1/25/20 Top Flagged!)
Our favorite go to site- McVerry Report
This information is for entertainment purposes only. Financial loss can occur from investing.

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